Who we are

We are a group of individuals within a larger group, called Shelloma, who came together with the intention of promoting our spiritual evolution through the teachings of the Ascended Masters of the Planetary Hierarchy. Guided since 2020 by the wisdom of Master Hiel Sotu, also known as Charlie Austen, through his YouTube channel A Merlin Sage, we established a bond that fostered the creation of a project to expand the reach of the valuable teachings we have received. Charlie Austen imparted teachings from Earth's ancient spirituality and information about planetary transition, preparing us for the advent of the Age of Aquarius and also for the arrival of Abrael, the new energy available on the planet since 2023.

ShellOMN was founded by the desire of members of the spiritual egregore of Shelloma to expand the transformative knowledge gained through experiences and learnings with the Ascended Masters. Driven by the purpose of spreading the Light-Consciousness and touching more hearts around the world, we produce articles imbued with the new energy of Abrael with art inspired by the profound wisdom received. The various everyday objects serve as reminders that the present moment is the channel through which this wisdom is accessed, expressing our principle of discovering true life. Finally, we achieve our greatest aspiration, the expansive action based on love, strength, and movement that sustains ShellOMN.



ShellOMN spiritual mission is to connect people through the divine energy contained in ShellOMN products that anchor and disseminate the light of the New Consciousness, Abrael the New Energy, Cosmic Love, Truth, and promote the teachings of Saint-Germain, the Regent of the New Era, and other Ascended Masters.



These are intrinsic principles and truths of BEING that serve as a guide for humans to access their own divinity at any level:



It's a concept that goes beyond simple acceptance, and doesn't involve the duality of accepting or not. It is the secret of the mind of God and, therefore, should be done wholly, without conditions.
It's not about surrendering to the Universe, but about acknowledging that everything is within you because all happens according to a higher plan. It's a deep connection to your inner abundance, where the will of Consciousness prevails. It's the river following its flow without being concerned about obstacles along the way.


There is only the I AM experiencing, there is only Consciousness and Energy. Truth is the manifestation of belief at your level of Consciousness, so there is no absolute truth, only that which manifests due to your perception through your veils and filters.

SAINT-GERMAIN. OMMUM Meeting I. SHELLOMA (OMMUM Encontro I. SHELLOMA), August 11, 2023. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUdO0OH_Y50&t=2562s>. Accessed on September 23, 2023.  


It is to be and to serve the energies, aligned with the flow at any level of manifestation, accessing divine abilities for the experience of Supreme Consciousness.


It is the elevation of Consciousness to its state of Being, in the experience of a series of processes on a definitive path for those ready to transcend the illusion of the world. It is a solid path traveled day by day, action by action, thought by thought, and emotion by emotion. "It is the process of bringing the Christ to the lower worlds, both literally and abstractly. Christ is a vehicle within the Divine body, through which the Divine manifests its divinity" (Sãmkhya).

Taking responsibility with courage and confidence to serve the purpose of the Divine Will. It is committing yourself, being in your I AM Presence.

5 - I AM

It is your personal God, the ultimate expression of Being, encompassing thousands of Multidimensional Selves that are simultaneously in other parallel timelines. I AM is the Consciousness that governs everything and everyone.


It's the perception of existence in its multiple experiences without limiting oneself to any of them, in a continuous state of Divine grace. 
It resides at the point of creation where infinite possibilities converge, recognizing the multiplicity of God, where Consciousness wanders with ease, lightness, and sovereignty, knowing that what you believe is not minimally determinant of living your true expression of BEING. Like fertile, unsown land that holds the potential to germinate all possibilities, everything and nothing that one is.

SHELLOMA, Update from the Cabamba School (Atualização da Escola de Cabamba), September 7-10, 2023.


True freedom transcends limitations. It's an internal transformation that liberates everything within you that is not you, letting go of beliefs and releasing the superfluous. Neither spiritual principles nor concepts of good or evil, being enlightened or not, can imprison you. This allows you to live without attachments, desires, fears, and worries. In this state, harming even a stone is unimaginable.


It is the transformation of the level of Consciousness. The process by which the manifestation of the I AM occurs progressively and sequentially through a rupture with the established pattern, leading to a new level of clarity and perception of Consciousness in a state of balance, lightness, and harmony.


As described by Master Charlie Hiel Austen, Solipsism is "a transdimensional event in which you transcend even the perception of dimensions, in which only the self and its sensations effectively exist. Other entities, human beings, and objects are participants of the single thinking mind: mere impressions, without their own existence. Although often considered an intellectual possibility, it has never been fully endorsed by any thinker. It is the moment when God sees himself in you."

10 - LOVE

It is known through the experience of the Soul, through this, God experiences love. It is a band of Consciousness not retained at the source but originating from it and lying between reason and joy. Love is infinite and continually expanding. It is the gateway to higher spheres or sublime Consciousness, and these manifest through it. Love is evolution.

SAINT-GERMAIN. OMMUM Ep.1 Complete (with music and audio only) [OMMUM Ep.1 Completo (com música e apenas em aúdio)]. SHELLOMA, September 18, 2023. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbGuKyRHJ9M>. Accessed on September 23, 2023.


This is the New Energy of the Age of Aquarius that became more accessible on planet Earth starting from the Celestial Altana on March 22, 2023. It allows for greater contact with our Divinity. It is the energy of the new Planetary Grid that comes from the opening to higher levels, providing a high degree of development and evolution of Consciousness in individual and collective processes.

12 - FAITH

It is believing that there are no problems when you trust the Soul. That everything that happens is for the purpose of serving your spiritual evolution. It is realizing that we are not alone. The Soul is always present, orchestrating all events and will do nothing to harm. Faith is the response 3333333, that is, it is affirming to oneself: "Send the tools, Universe, and I'll continue on the path."