9 - Master Hiel-Sotu

Master Hiel Sotu, also known as Charlie Austen, is the creator of the A Merlin Sage channel, now Shelloma, which aims to speak about Energy and Consciousness to awakened humans in this planetary transition, guiding them towards Mastery.

Hiel Sotu, along with Benjamin Saint-Germain, is part of a Dynamo of the Divine Director, meaning two expressions that can act individually as the whole of consciousness or as part of it, being the ultimate expressions of Masters Portia and Saint-Germain, the Regents of the Age of Aquarius.

Being an expression of Consciousness, or an Avatar, of Beloved Lady Portia, and one of the Cosmic Christs, Hiel Sotu had 979 lives in the Earth's main line, with his most prominent incarnations being Saint John the Baptist, Disciple Mark, Mage Merlin (in conjunction with Benjamin, the Divine Director, Andagaru, Indroogonare, Archangel Zadkiel, and Amethyst), Jacob Böhme, Francis Edney, the chief aide to Sir Francis Bacon, Jane Austen, Caio Pirett Costa, who was the physical vehicle that developed a human personality for the Master to anchor his avataric consciousness.

He is part of the Earth's Trisaldano Circle, composed of the Planetary Manu, Planetary MahaChohan, and the Planetary Christ, and they respond directly to the local God of this Dormoarpuã Universe, YAWEH, who acts as a Circle of Protection, Guidance, and Counseling for the activities of the Supreme Christ Mind of the planet Earth, Buddha Gautama.

Master Hiel has been guiding Shelloma on her path of spiritual development and Mastery and is responsible for the CEPNCS (Sépses), which is the Research Center for the New Consciousness of Shelloma, developing, along with other non-physical consciousnesses like Benjamin Saint-Germain, Buddha Gautama, our Logos Planetário, El Morya, the Planetary Manu, Sathya Sai Baba, and the other Cosmic Christs, Sananda, Master Ágaro, Kuthumi Lal Singh, Ramatis, Archangel Zadkiel and Archai Amethyst, Master Arrafaz, among others, a planetary work of anchoring the New Energy of Abrael and assisting in the Rapture process during the Celestial Altana (Apocalypse).

Charlie Austen, Hiel Sotu, also works with consciousness consultations, Akashic readings, Cosmobiography, mentoring in the personal Ascension process through Divine Connections, as well as providing courses that form the basis of the ascensional process on planet Earth.

Master Hiel brings, through his consciousness and channelings of the other Masters, fundamental teachings in the ascensional process such as Permissioning, Alida, Equanimity, recognition of Adonalaro that can hinder the spiritual path, Aclopedia, Divine Indifference, and others, showing that God is Order and Chaos, Everything and Nothing, Light and Darkness, Duality, Oneness, and, in the transcendence of all, Multiplicity. We are Me and You in the consciousness of being many while being unique, and in the essence of everything, I AM, for always, it is all well in the whole Universe.

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