8 - Master Beloved Lady Portia

8 - Master Beloved Lady Portia

Master Beloved Lady Portia - Lady of Justice and Freedom


Chohan of the Seventh Divine Ray, of Ceremonial Magic, Freedom, Transmutation, and Justice, she is the Divine Counterpart of Master Saint Germain, serving as the Regent Couple of the Age of Aquarius.

She assists all who seek to balance the mind and the heart, as well as those coming from lower vibrations (e.g., those who criticize/judge) to elevate their energies so they can be more loving and accept themselves and others.

She attained her enlightenment in 1313, with some of the channeled phrases being:

"Never cease to preserve joy and determination in your hearts";

"You need to look within, and do it deeply and truly with yourselves";

"Often, you ask for freedom, but at the same time, you judge yourselves so much!".



Ascended Master Lady Portia. 

Available at: https://mensageiroanjo.com/anjos-arcanjos-e-mestres/mestre-ascendente-lady-portia/, Accessed on: September 17, 2023.

 Master Portia. 

Available at: https://www.comandodaluz.com/post/Master-pórtia, Accessed on: September 17, 2023.

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