7 - Archangel Metatron - "The Regent of Light"

7 - Archangel Metatron - "The Regent of Light"

The Archangel creator of Light and Perfect Electron. Also known as Milttron, Metaroon, Merraton. Metatron is a very powerful Archangel, also known as the King of Angels, Prince of the Divine Face, Angel of Promise, and many others, connecting the human to the divine.

In some sources, He is seen as more powerful than Archangel Michael. When invoked, Metatron appears as a pillar of fire, dazzling like the sun. He works within the White Brotherhood alongside Archangel Michael and Archangel Melchizedek, forming the Perfect Trinity in this Universe.

Metatron is dedicated to anchoring His Energy on the planet to assist humanity on its path of evolution and ascension. Metatron's Light vibrates so high that it is one of the highest vibrations in this Universe, very close to the Light of the Highest Creator.

He brings the Perfect Electron to Earth, promoting the necessary corrections in human energy, enabling the restoration of DNA to return to the perfect state of the body. When Metatron communicates with humanity, He uses images and geometric figures. The unconscious mind captures the information and carries out the commands contained within them.


- https://leonardoneiva.com.br/blog/arcanjo-metatron-ea-geometria-sagrada/

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