3 - Master El Morya - The Manu of the Earth

3 - Master El Morya - The Manu of the Earth

The name "El Morya Khan" holds profound meanings. "El" is a reference to God, not necessarily the supreme God, but one who has dominion over a specific aspect of life. "Morya" may be derived from Hebrew, meaning "my teacher is God," signifying someone who follows divine teachings. "Khan" is a Mongolian title that means "sovereign" or "one who commands." El Morya Khan is known as the Master of the teachings of God's Laws and is the Chohan of the 1st Ray, representing Divine Power and Will.


The figure of El Morya is often associated with spiritual teachings, guidance, and spiritual leadership. According to popular belief, El Morya has reincarnated several times in different periods of human history, including as notable historical figures. However, it's important to note that these beliefs are not widely accepted and are primarily found in esoteric and spiritual circles.


He has had numerous significant incarnations, including Abraham, a spiritual leader in the Age of Aries; Melchior, one of the three wise men who worshipped Jesus; and also as King Arthur, leading the Knights of the Round Table in the quest for the Holy Grail. He was also Thomas Becket and Thomas More, both advocates of Faith and Truth.


Above all, El Morya is known for his dedication to God's Will and for teaching others how to align their lives with that Divine Will. His legacy includes promoting religious tolerance and the pursuit of Truth.


El Morya is a spiritual figure who plays a significant role in some spiritual and esoteric traditions, particularly in Theosophy and the New Age Movement. He is considered one of the Ascended Masters, a group of spiritual beings who, according to these traditions, have evolved beyond the limitations of human incarnation and now exist in a higher spiritual dimension. He assisted in the founding of the Theosophical Society alongside Kuthumi Lal Singh, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, and Henry Steel Olcott.


El Morya is regarded as one of the most influential Ascended Masters and is often depicted as a master of wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and inner strength. People following these traditions may invoke the presence of El Morya in their spiritual practices to seek guidance, courage, and inspiration.


Referring to El Morya as the "Manu of the Earth" is related to esoteric and Theosophical beliefs about spiritual evolution and the Spiritual Government of our planet. The term "Manu" has roots in Hindu tradition and is used to describe beings or entities that play a significant role in guiding and evolving humanity. The Manu is considered a divine legislator, a kind of spiritual leader or ruler who influences human development and helps maintain cosmic order.


Seeking communion with El Morya Khan through decrees or chanting his name as a mantra can bring spiritual guidance and strength in challenging times.


Mantra for Divine Will – 33 or 108 times:


"El Morya, El Morya, El Morya Khan, I desire Divine Will!

God's Will is good! Illuminate, Illuminate, Illuminate!"



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