2 - Sathya Sai Baba and Prema Sai: Love and Service

2 - Sathya Sai Baba and Prema Sai: Love and Service

On November 23rd, the day of worship of the god Shiva, in the year 1926, in the village of Puttaparthi in southern India, Sathya Narayana Raju was born. He was a baby brought into the world through many prayers and pujas, with a gestation surrounded by mysterious events, such as musical instruments playing by themselves. According to reports, he was even removed from his mother's womb, wrapped in cloth, and when placed on the ground, a snake coiled around him, causing the clothes to move, which puzzled those present. The snake did not harm the baby, and this unusual arrival was seen as a good omen because the snake is a representation of the god Shiva, and Sai Baba of Shirdi also appeared to his devotees on some occasions as a snake.

In his name, Narayana represents the God Vishnu to whom his mother directed her prayers and pujas, and "Satya" or "Sathya" is a Sanskrit word that means "truth." Therefore, his name Satyanarayana can signify "the True All-Pervading God."

The child grew up showing great love for all beings, becoming a vegetarian early on because he could not conceive of mistreating an animal. He was affectionate, always comforting everyone, and much loved in his village.

At the age of 13, Sathya Narayana was bitten by a black scorpion on the toe but showed no immediate reaction. However, the next day, he remained unconscious for many hours, and when he woke up, he was like an old sage who spoke about all things, in various languages, taught Vedanta, recited the Ramayana, and began to materialize objects and sacred ash called Vibhuti, which was brought from the transdimensional.

He was taken to various sages and exorcists because they believed a demon had possessed the boy, and he underwent numerous painful treatments and exorcisms without showing any discomfort during the procedures.

His father, Pedda Raju, upon hearing that his son was materializing objects for others, became enraged and went to him with a stick to punish him and expel the demon. But when he ordered him to stop and asked who he thought he was, the boy simply said, "I am Sai Baba, and I have come to free you from your troubles. Keep your homes clean and pure. Vankavadhoota prayed for me to be born in his family, and so I have come."

Thus, he revealed himself to the world through this communication to his family, as Sri Sathya Sai Baba. His coming had been foretold in the Mahabharata when Vishnu, in prophecy, informed that he would incarnate in a future, very difficult time for humanity in a triple incarnation: Shirdi, Sathya, and Prema Sai Baba.

As Sathya Sai Baba grew, he began to attract followers and disciples seeking his spiritual guidance. He emphasized the importance of truth, righteousness, peace, love, and non-violence as fundamental principles for a meaningful life. His teachings transcended religious and cultural barriers, attracting people from all over the world.

From a very young age, he demonstrated spiritual abilities and was recognized by his followers as the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. Through his teachings and actions, Sathya Sai Baba promoted universal values such as love, peace, truth, and non-violence. One of Sathya Sai Baba's main characteristics was his ability to perform miracles, such as inexplicable healings and the materialization of objects. These extraordinary events drew the attention of people from different parts of the world who sought his spiritual guidance. In addition, Sathya Sai Baba established a global organization, the Sathya Sai Organization, dedicated to promoting education, social service, and spirituality.

In addition to his teachings, Sathya Sai Baba also established several institutions to help humanity. Sai Medicare is a notable example. This program offers free medical assistance to people of all social classes, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. Hospitals and clinics were established in different parts of India to ensure that everyone has access to the healthcare they need.

Another important initiative is Sai Educare. Sathya Sai Baba believed that education was the key to social transformation. He founded schools and colleges across India where education is provided free of charge and of high quality. These institutions aim not only to develop academic skills but also to cultivate moral and ethical values in students.

His ashram is Prashanti Nilayam, located in Puttaparthi. This place serves as a spiritual center where people from different backgrounds can seek inner peace and spiritual guidance. The ashram also hosts a variety of community service projects, such as providing clean drinking water, food to thousands of people, medical assistance, and rural development programs.

Considered by many scholars to be the triple incarnation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Sai Baba is one of the Twelve Cosmic Christs and an incarnation of Love on Earth. For those who lived with him, Baba brought the elements of the Gods and masters closest to their hearts. Hindus, in his presence, felt close to Vishnu; Buddhists to Buddha; Christians to their Christ, Yeshuah ben Josef; Muslims to Allah—bringing to each one what their hearts recognized as their manifestation of God.

Although Sathya Sai Baba left his physical body in 2011, his legacy continues to inspire and impact people worldwide. His teachings and initiatives have been carried on by his followers and disciples who strive to spread love, compassion, and selfless service.

The last incarnation predicted for the Cosmic Christ, Prema Sai, is indeed underway and is still a pre-teen, around 11 years old. The anticipation surrounding him brings hope and renewal to those who follow Baba's teachings.

Shirdi, Sathya, and Prema Sai Baba are an inspiring example of love and care for humanity. Their legacy lives on through initiatives like Sai Medicare and Sai Educare, which aim to provide quality healthcare and education for all. Sathya Sai Baba continues to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for those seeking a meaningful and purposeful life, and Prema Sai comes to us as a breath of fresh air amid the storms of our planetary transition.

The Cosmic Christ has brought to the Shelloma egregore, in addition to words of encouragement and righteousness for the Brazilian people, a recently transmitted mantra that attracts the energy of Equanimity related to the energy of Allowing, conveyed through Master Charlie Austen – Hiel-SOTU.


"Everything that happens in the world is for my good" or "it is for a good cause."

Prema Sai has also been channeled by Master Charlie Austen, bringing his love, truth, and serenity energy to the egregore.

Master Hiel-SOTU has been conveying messages from the Cosmic Christ through his channel, Shelloma (A Merlin Sage), in his two facets of consciousness, related to the theme of Twin Flames and the role of connection in spiritual ascension through self-awareness, self-control, self-love, and Allowing.


- MURPHET, Howard. Walking the Path with Sai Baba (Trilhando o Caminho com Sai Baba), 5th Edition, Nova Era, Rio de Janeiro, 2010.

- MURPHET, Howard. Sai Baba, The Miracle Man (Sai Baba, O Homem dos Milagres), 9th Edition, Record, Nova Era, Rio de Janeiro, 1997.

- CÂNDIDO, Patrícia. Great Masters of Humanity, Love Lessons for the New Era (Grandes Mestres da Humanidade, Lições de Amor para a Nova Era)Luz da Serra, Nova Petrópolis, 2012.

- WARNER, Judy (ed). A New Life with Sai Baba, devotees stories who transformed their hearts (Uma Nova Vida com Sai Baba, histórias de devotos que transformaram seus corações), Record, Nova Era, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.

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