12 - Archaea Amethyst and Archangel Ezequiel/Zadkiel

12 - Archaea Amethyst and Archangel Ezequiel/Zadkiel

Archaea Amethyst is seen as a celestial entity associated with the energy of the Violet Flame, considered a purifying and transmuting spiritual force. She is often invoked to assist in spiritual healing, the release of negative patterns, and the transformation of dense energies into light. Regarded as a guardian of the Violet Flame, which is a spiritual tool used to purify the soul and elevate spiritual vibration. Her Divine Counterpart is Archangel Zadkiel.


Archangel Ezequiel or Archangel Zadkiel is known as the "Archangel of Mercy" and is often associated with the energy of the Violet Flame, along with Archaea Amethyst. Ezequiel/Zadkiel is considered a spiritual guide who helps people connect with compassion, transmutation, and spiritual transformation. He assists in the dissolution of negative karma and in seeking forgiveness and healing.


Both Archaea Amethyst and Archangel Ezequiel/Zadkiel play a fundamental role in the spiritual journey of many individuals, offering support and guidance to overcome spiritual challenges, heal emotional wounds, and elevate spiritual consciousness. They are inspirational figures representing the pursuit of spiritual transformation and inner enlightenment.




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