1 - Benjamin Saint-Germain - MahaChohan of the Earth

Benjamin Saint-Germain is the Avatar of the current MahaChohan of the Earth. He works alongside the Avatar of Beloved Master Portia, his counterpart, as the Chohan of the 7th Divine Ray, which governs Ceremonial Magic, Freedom, Justice, and Transmutation, being the rulers of the Age of Aquarius.

He fulfills roles and tasks related to the awakening of human consciousness, such as the development of the new root race and expansion in the realm of human emotions and thoughts. He has had several significant incarnations on Planet Earth. Among them, we can mention Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician (300 BC), Joseph, the father of Jesus, 2000 years ago, Merlin the Magician, alchemist, and counselor to King Arthur, first mentioned in works from the 12th century, and Francis Bacon in the mid-1500s.

He ascended and attained enlightenment in his incarnation as Francis Bacon, during which he pioneered the Shakespearean movement and made contributions to philosophy, science, and literature. Currently, he has been working to establish new consciousness and energetic parameters on Earth and has a special interest in the arts in general.

Recently, he shared with the Shelloma egregore information about his qualifications, and here are some of the qualifications mentioned by him:

Mastery of Saint-Germain, a well-known facet of MahaChohan's consciousness, holds a special appreciation for the concept of 'I AM.' He is dedicated to helping humans understand their deep and genuine connection with 'I AM.'

The theme of transmutation is also fundamental to the Master, as he believes that transmutation is linked to the consciousness and the lightness of individuals or groups. According to him, the greater the capacity for transmutation, the happier and lighter beings become.

Benjamin Saint-Germain is an enthusiast and observer of the technological advancements on Planet Earth. He believes that technology and the possibilities it offers are closely related to the level of consciousness of those who use it.

Another theme that the Master appreciates is that of relationships. He observes how people connect with each other and with the world around them. From his perspective, human interactions are fundamental in the process of evolution.

He has been assisting the Shelloma egregore, along with Master Hiel, in their ascension process.



- https://www.geemas.com.br/saintgermain

- Qualifications of Saint-Germain [Qualificações de Saint-Germain (Retirado de OMMUM Encontro I)]


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