Saint-Germain's 112 most impactful phrases

Saint-Germain's 112 most impactful phrases channeled by Master Hiel Sotu in the Shelloma egregore:


1 - "In the process of ascension, there is no expansion of Consciousness, just as there is nothing to be achieved. It's already all there. It's all available. There is only the recognition and remembrance of what you are and have always been: a great Consciousness." 



2 - "The life in which you choose to ascend is the one in which you choose to access all the packages of your already expanded Consciousness. All humans can choose to access these chambers within themselves, but most remain, life after life, with their limited perception of their greatness of being and of the whole that is."


3 - "There are no higher or lower levels of consciousness. There is only Consciousness, and how much of it you choose to use while incarnated on Earth. Everything is part of your Consciousness."


4 - "We are here to learn to be God and live in complete freedom within this grand stage that life is, in this and all Universes. I AM LIFE."



5 - "There is this strange thing on this planet called Power. And there is always more to learn and delve into the extent to which this power spreads within the consciousness of humanity and the events it leads humanity to follow. Power is an illusion."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)


6 - "Infinite love is knowing there is an illusion. I am in it, but I am no longer defined by it."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)


7 - "Understand that the temple of God is the Body. The Body is Consciousness, and Consciousness is whatever exists within the Universe. The temple of God is everything that is."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)

8 - "Do not let yourself be restricted by your experiences and who you are in this life. Choose to identify with a Consciousness that is not only your own, and you will never feel threatened again."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)

9 - "Unfortunately, humans never love each other by the simple act of loving; there are always many conditions."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)

10 - "The Alchemization of Alida consists of recognizing the illusion in which we are immersed, and yet not being dominated by it. You can be in the illusion, but you don't need to be consumed by it."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)

11 - "This is the life of the Ascended Master: to be like soil that never produces anything, but maintains the power to sprout anything at any moment, living in the potential of all things (ALIDA)"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA school)

12 - "I work for God because God works for me."

(Saint-Germain, Entrenário Preparations)

13 - "Accept your Soul as a guide in this perfect moment of Creation."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, Quebrantamento)

14 - "Discretion is very important on the ascension path."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)


15 - "The aim for those who have the 'experience' is not to intellectualize it. It's not about bringing it to the level of the mind; traverse it. It's the Celestial Altana happening vividly within you, it's another chapter, and you've been handpicked to live this  unique chapter of the long-awaited Earth's Apocalypse."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)


16 - "This is the best time for you to discover who you truly are. Away from all the untruths told  you, far from all the lies you've told yourself, distant from all the unconsciousness brought by your interior that is out of proportion with your real essence and also from the outside that is only what it knows how to do: deceive you, punish you, misguide you, lead you away from the Path of the Light of Consciousness."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

17 - "There are other types of states in which you don't necessarily need to be in a bed, in the deepest state of sleep, in REM sleep. There are many other ways to momentarily or for an extended period disconnect from your perception of being attached to a physical life, to a physical body, and to the personality that uses this physical body."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

18 - "Are you prepared to live up to, and only up to, unconditional love, fully in service to the human species and the planet inhabiting this New Planetary Era?"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

19 - "Are you ready to live in a sovereign world in every sense: energetically, mentally, consciously, and spiritually, in all other ways that contribute to building this perception of the world?"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

20 - "2023, we can say, will be that year which, in the future of your history books, will receive the same role as year 1 of the Christian Era, the year that ended up being signified in times past when the history of humanity was divided as BEFORE CHRIST AND AFTER CHRIST. That's what 2023 will be: a real watershed."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)


21 - "Humanity has already forgotten a long time ago, even during the time of Atlantis, that is, more than ten thousand years ago, I AM WHAT I AM. Obviously, this process of forgetting has accelerated ten thousand years ago. It got to the point that at the five thousand year mark, you completely lost memory or historical records of times before the last five thousand years. It was an entire or complete reset."


22 - "Just know that choices produce results and that regardless of what happens, remember that you are the unconditional love that you seek, you are the I AM THAT I AM. So, at least on a personal level, if it is still possible, mitigate your internal brutality, because what is seen around you on a collective level is enough."


23 - "What is this Shilooeh Consciousness? It is a very deep remembrance  that you came to this planet Earth and chose to make this planet your home in the Cosmos for a long period, which from your point of view would be the diverse lives that already had on this reincarnation wheel, and decided to make this planet their home so that they could share it and with this session of the Cosmos the consciential light of the great Central Sun, that Sun from which all universal light emanates."


24 - "Freedom is an elixir you drink when you decide to be what you came to be."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, The Knighthood Order of The Sartunian Priesthood)

25 - "Freedom needs to allow the existence of good and evil."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, The Knighthood Order of The Sartunian Priesthood)

26 - "Real love is freedom."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, The Knighthood Order of The Sartunian Priesthood)

27 - "Making life simple makes it delicious."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, The Knighthood Order of The Sartunian Priesthood)


28 - "To feel the sense of God is to reconnect with the most intimate and pure part of existence."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, The Knighthood Order of The Sartunian Priesthood)


29 - "Power and Energy are different things. Energy does not need power to exist, but power certainly consoles itself or comforts itself if there is energy."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

30 - "At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what shape the Earth is."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

31 - "The Earth has many shapes. Celestial bodies have many shapes; they are not static. Look at your own physical body: it changes shape considerably, it gains weight, it loses weight, it gains wrinkles, it loses wrinkles. It would be no different with other bodies... One day their scientists realized that things are not as fixed in terms of: shape, texture and structure, as they had imagined."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

32 - "That's not what your scientists do. They say they've discovered how reality works, and then explain to you how reality works. IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND. They, by wanting to research how reality works, are in the process actively creating how reality should work. That's why I say it's irrelevant what you believe."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

33 - "Those who had ears to listen… listened."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

34 - "All the professions in your world that are wired to understand the world do a very concentrated and serious mental job of expanding on the lie learned by others in decades and centuries past, which is why this one seems to make so much sense."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School)

35 - "When you are in this full perception or full realization that everything is a matter of consciousness, then there is no longer any need to propagate and continue to believe that karma has any influence or power over your life."


36 - "Karmic relationships are created by the regency of energies alone without a conscious observer. This is like saying that all human beings are immersed in karmic relationships because they are not conscious observers."


37 - "When you start to become a conscious observer, karmic relationships pass away, they stop continuing to exist in your life, or rather, new karmic relationships stop being generated in your life."


38 - "The human beings believe in an external vision of things and not an internal one."


39 - "The true relationship is with yourself. Look at yourself before looking at someone else. Look at yourself. For the most part, most human beings are in relationships because of superficialities that are all mini, medium and sometimes large, types of distractions from not looking at themselves."


40 - "Now this Planet becomes a Planet of looking at yourself and a planet that begins to become increasingly imbued, immersed in the energies of LOOK AT YOURSELF."


41 - "The real greatness of man, and by man I mean humanity, is perhaps, most of the time, never having realized how great he is."



42 - "Are you ready to embody the multiplication of everything that your real essence is?"


43 - "Are you ready to be who you truly came to be on the planet?"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

44 - "Are you ready to ride the rails of universal flow?"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

45 - "The power of the written word that later becomes the spoken word."


46 - "When you choose something, when your I AM gives you the opportunity to make a human-level choice, when you choose something for yourself, you are choosing for every human on this planet an equivalent experience. Each of you is actively choosing for everyone else."



47 - "Without leaving your home, you are making conscientious and energetic decisions as impactful as those that society served, elected to take care of the social structure."


48 - "It's time for you to realize that your private life is your public life, a step you take here reverberates in a decision on this side. The energy expands, it associates or merges with other energies, and is just It's a matter of choice if you realize where the energies vibrate here, where these energies are going, and what effects outside your energy field they are causing in other spaces."


49 - "The life of the Master is the life of the world. Everything you do in your life, you are not doing for yourself, I mean, in fact, you are doing it for yourself because you realize that you are 'many'. You are the own species, so everything the Master is doing, he is always doing from the point of view of what is best for everyone, he sees himself as 'whole.'"


50 - "More Light brings more chaos, more Light reinforces darkness, but ultimately neither light nor darkness matters. The Consciousness that they activate matters, and this greater Consciousness will be activated in those who already work for the Soul and for the superior worlds, but it will also be activated in those who didn't even know of their existence."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)

51 - "The Celestial Altana is what many have advocated would happen in this time of transition, a second coming of the Christ, the Crystal Christos, the Christ Consciousness. That's it, the arrival of this consciousness is just a gigantic abyssal opening of communication between the orbs of improvement that there are other orbs, of an internal shock in those who believed that this physical Earth was everything that would be in the Universe, was everything that exists in the Universe. I say in the question of intelligent life or sentient life, whether human or other biological life."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)

52 - "The Celestial Altana will give you the understanding, if you have not yet had it until now, of what the Multidimensional Being is, what it is to be the Transdimensional Being, what it is to be in all places, all experiences and without compromising yourself or without limiting yourself to any of them. What it means to be a being completely devoid of attachments, problems and/or solutions. The Celestial Altana will balance this world, she will show the human that his smallness only occurs, as he constantly reinforces that prefers to be isolated from the rest of universal life."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)

53 - "There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the Earth shine in the distance while we contemplate its magnitude, the magnitude of all the beings that inhabit it and that shine together with it."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)

54 - "Altana comes from a high peak, it comes from the idea of ​​raising it from above. Basically, then Altana means: a high point in Celestiality and by a high point in Celestiality we will have to communicate to you that a Celestial Altana is an opening without record until then, of greater communication between different levels of energy and in turn of Consciousness."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)


55 - "Be grateful, flood yourself with the supreme sap, be the life you want to see in the world and the rest of living beings will follow you, even the disaffected, even the contentious, even those who don't yet understand this Light. One day they will bow down to you, in recognition not of you and for you, I mean, not of you who accepted the Light before them, but in recognition that the Light you carried is the only torch they should have kept burning inside themselves too."

(Balmael de Saint-Germain)

56 - "You are trying to seduce others all the time. Human beings are doing it all the time."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, CABAMBA School, Day 3)

57 - "It's not a coincidence, nothing in the Universe is."


58 - "The principle of all Alchemy is to dream... to dream we need to be inspired."


59 - "Nothing is everything, everything is nothing."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

60 - "The Consciousness is not fixed."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

61 - "We are consciousness. There’s no unconsciousness as long as: the planet can be a womb that generates God. It doesn't born from the persistence of the continuity of humanity's unconsciousness."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

62 - "There is nothing outside of us."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

63 - "There are two sides of the same coin. The back of the coin comes to the front because the all-seeing eye encompasses everything there is."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

64  - "That which is between the beginning and the end of consciousness is Christ. Christ is an illusion and a creation of humanity that separates us from consciousness."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

65 - "After the Celestial Altana, everything good and bad that has been hidden from humanity comes to light."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

66 - "The Universe is a mental form."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

67 - "As there is nothing outside of us, the worship of individual divinity becomes a natural process of being that includes, but is not limited to: fraternizing and sharing the food that reminds us of the gift of life with other consciously divine beings; keeping our personal flame always burning, watching over it so that the enemy of unconsciousness doesn't take hold of us; remembering that what you do for others you do for yourself; the combination of all these truths forms a fragrance of being and exudes balance, delicacy and veneration for the Greater."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)


68 - "Soon, all concepts about the Universe are called into question, the constructions of meaning that humanity has already built crumble, leading to the conclusion that they have always been far from themselves and from the All that is God in us."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

69 - "In the Conscious Leap of humanity called the Revolution 3000, it is discovered that everything is a hologram, and this information is disclosed due to a series of events. Humanity becomes incredulous when images revealed by scientific equipment, regardless of where they are pointed, start transmitting only images and data of planet Earth back. Initially, this is attributed to technical malfunctions in the equipment used by scientists. As a culmination of the entire situation, people begin to doubt everything that has been taught, researched, observed, and stated by science and other areas within society. At this moment, very deep and philosophical reflections begin among the masses of humanity about what it means to be: their nature, what their purpose of existence in the physical plane might be. Eventually, they conclude that they are disconnected from the larger realm."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain)

70 - "Impatience is indeed not a very divine quality."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

71 - "Disconnect. It's time to disconnect. You cannot move forward, taking absolutely anything in your life seriously. No matter how real, how dangerous it may seem, do not take a certain thing seriously. Just don't take it seriously."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)


72 - "Follow the melody of the music, follow the music, it's playing. If you follow the music, you can't go wrong."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

73 - "After love, as many of you believe, the second most powerful thing on planet Earth to raise your consciousness to make you teachable before the great Creator, before the Universe, is music."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

74 - "The right kind of music puts you in the right learning states."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

75 - "Before you can dance to the music, you need to follow the universal melody."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

76 - "There is a reason for everything and you don’t need to always be ahead of understanding what is the basis of the reason."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

77 - "When will you give up trying to understand God's path? God's path isn't followed by understanding; it's followed by experiencing it fully open without any resistance."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

78 - "Life already has too many challenges for us to get angry with it when it doesn't give us exactly what we'd like, or when someone doesn't recognize us, or when something we've tried doesn't turn out the way we'd like. For every personal disappointment, for every disappointment, for every sadness, for everything that didn't go your way: add two cups of joy."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

79 - "You don't need to know what you're doing. Sometimes this confusion that you will feel during the Rapture is perhaps a very good thing, because this confusion deceives your mind, it deceives your feelings. You end up in the dark. You have nowhere to hold on to and so you just have to keep walking, that's all you have left."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

80 - "Sometimes your soul is silent, sometimes you don't get an answer from your soul, sometimes your soul doesn't speak to you. It's because maybe at that moment in the play you're the character with the main line on stage, it's you reading the lines from the memorized text and not it."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

81 - "How to be cheerful in a sad moment, Saint-Germain? I'll tell you: 'You choose, because joy doesn't need to be backed up by something to justify it. Joy is a flower that can sprout wherever you put your focus. It's a flower that grows quickly at the slightest sign or order from you."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

82 - "You don't realize how special you are. You sometimes think 'I'm special', 'wow I'm spiritually awake', but then you go back to life and you don't carry that continuous awareness with you."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

83 - "In this World of Regeneration, there is no room for sadness and suffering."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

84 - "Receive everything, but don’t take everything too seriously, even in spirituality

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

85 - "There is no use to be someone full of knowledge and poor of happiness."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)


86 - "The closer you are to your personal God, the more out of control you become, the less in control you are."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

87 - "Simply choose to be reborn from within."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

88 - "From now on, you will be pushed. The Rapture brings a new layer of acceleration from the Universe. How fast things are happening backstage!"

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

89 - "The Universe is moving in your favor, and it moves as fast as the equivalent speed that you connect to this truth."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

90 - "Less faith, less movement visualized. More faith, more movement performed. It's simple: you need to believe it's there before it's there. You are God, you are  - the observer."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

91 - "The best creations in the Universe are those that have had many trials and errors, a lot of back and forth, a lot of experimentation until we reach the most suitable or beneficial final form."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 3)

92 - "See yourself as a Master and everything will be mastered for you"

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, Om.AUM.LLa  Collective Mentoring - A Montanha Sagrada, Part 3)

93 - "Accept your journey. There is nothing wrong with what comes your way. Everything must be lived passionately, the good days and the bad ones."

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, Om.AUM.LLa  Collective Mentoring - A Montanha Sagrada, Part 3)

94 - "Accept yourself with all that is transparent to that self, as a whole." 

(Benjamin Saint-Germain, Om.AUM.LLa  Collective Mentoring - A Montanha Sagrada, Part 3)

95 - "Let your soul build the solution. You just have to experience it."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 2)

96 - "The greatest protection is your Consciousness."

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 2)

97 - "Nothing you believe is bad for you is bad for you, unless you allow that conception. Just as nothing you believe is good for you is good for you, unless you give that conception to the thing. When will you start to learn that everything is neutral? Everything is neutral and I can remain neutral. (...) It will depend on your level of permission to generate this neutrality by choice." 

(VetroKroaem Saint-Germain, ASALA, Day 2)

98 - "The Soul thinks through movements of energy"

(Maggamuss Saint-Germain, Personalized Mentoring)

99 - "If you look at the technology of a society, you will understand the degree of understanding of that society or its access to the consciousness that is always available and how much it is transmuting, whether consciously or unconsciously. Certainly, what you call the New Age of Aquarius demands a conscious transmutation of the outdated issues that claim for


(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

100 - “I have no problem with maxims that have become symbols of modern spirituality. I, as a Being who values freedom, just think it's never too much. Always, when we find ourselves in a situation, instead of immediately applying something because a guru or respected master said it 2000 years ago, we should stop and reflect on what the situation really requires of us. There's always time if you make time for it.”

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

101 - "As we advance in self-knowledge, we stop looking upwards, sideways, and at the news. These things lose their importance. There are more relevant things to - do if you want to remain incarnated as an ascended Master if you want to reach that level of evolution. Believing that the appearance of aliens over the world's great cities will make humanity love its neighbor or itself more, stop killing animals or take better care of nature, is not the right approach. These transformations begin exclusively within each individual." 

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

102 - "In reality, there was a time when the Source really didn't understand what Love was. It was through the experiences of the Souls that the Source one day understood what Love was, through YOUR gaze, YOUR heart, YOUR feelings, seeing a dog running happily across a lawn or contemplating a beautiful sunset by a river. It was through you! The idea that 'everything you need comes from above' is not true. Everything you need is here. If the Source understands Love today and why it is the best thing, when it is not corrupted, to be expanded by the Universe, it is thanks to the work you have done. Through significant sacrifices in several lives, on behalf of others, families and causes, Love is not in the Source, but in you."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

103 - "I'm going to make another controversial statement: You don't need Love to be enlightened. That's the truth. As an Ascended Master, I would encourage you to cultivate Love, because loving is wonderful when it's not distorted. However, in line with your perception, there is a filter that believes that anyone who contradicts Love or anything else simply doesn't care.

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

104 - "There is a growing group on this planet who want something new, something invigorating. The spiritual truths so far, while beautiful and often functional, have often not been applied correctly or forced into situations where they shouldn't be applied at all costs."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

105 - "Many of you are still searching. You're looking for answers to your endless, unfinished questions, you're trying to understand more about spirituality, you're aiming to reach the next level. However, you can simply say: I will reach all the levels that are necessary, whether I am aware of them or not. By adopting this perspective, you don't doubt it for an instant and things begin to unfold before your eyes, bringing you joy and satisfaction."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

106 - "Many still prioritize mental processes, the demands of physical life, circumstances that aren't working, compromises, the opinions of others, ideologies and beliefs, putting all this above self-analysis. Use this longing as an entry point to explore your self-analysis. Some still look for external signs, hoping that extraterrestrials will solve the world's problems before dealing with their own personal issues. However, it is self-analysis that you really need to do. This is not something mental or emotional, it is not in the mind or the heart; it is the zero point, the 'I Am', the 'I Exist'. This allows you to be fully capable of shaping reality as you wish, of filling in any gaps, needs or blind spots. No one will do this work for you. If you really create that space of self-analysis, anything that enters that field will only enhance that experience and make it deeper."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

107 - "All possibilities are open to you. Once you've made a spiritual decision, you shouldn't enter the experience with fear or the desire to retreat. Some have opted for this in the past, outsourcing their responsibility. Remember, you are the one who controls the script, others simply follow. Perhaps some of you chose certain paths while you were still on the spiritual plane, but were unaware of it."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

108 - "What if, when faced with the need to act to solve a problem, you did so without complaint, calmly and with confidence that you are doing your best, believing that no problem is big enough in the face of your determination to overcome it?" 

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

109 - "What if you chose to allow the people you love to do what they want, without your love for them depending on being around all the time or influencing their lives? A love without conditions, without expectations, without justifications based on blood ties, family, ancestry or mutual advantages."

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

110 - "What if you let go of control, of the need for everything to be your way, of having a sharp eye for what's out of place, for every time people contradict themselves or when they don't follow their own  words or when you expect them to know your next steps?"

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)


111 - "What if you chose to be happy, harmonious and abundant with the same intensity and dedication with which you get involved in your problems, when things don't work out, when people don't respect you?"

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

112 - "I am that I am, the Beloved Saint-Germain of the sovereign domain. I wait to you all in the sovereignty of your hearts." 

(Beloved Saint-Germain, Youtube video: OMMUM Encontro 1)

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