Announcement: Saint-Germain of Sovereign Domain - [Video and transcription]

In the following video, with audio in Brazilian Portuguese and subtitles in English, Saint-Germain of the Sovereign Domain addresses the viewers, consumers of the 'Shelloma' channel, which has a strong relationship with the ShellOMN Store, to communicate some significant changes.



The following text is the transcription of this Youtube video, in other words, it is Saint-Germain's message in text form:


"I am that I am, Saint-Germain of the Sovereign Domain.


To all of you, from Shelloma and to everyone who follows the work of this channel: Most, if not all of you, are probably aware that in recent days, the channel has transitioned all of its extensive work materials to private mode. As I address you at this very moment, Charlie has made only the videos and live events related to OMMUM available to the public. In the coming days, we will host the third OMMUM meeting, and in alignment with Charlie's choices, I have decided to personally announce these decisions from the base of Mount Shasta.

 Mount Shasta is a place that attracts thousands of people each year, seeking to experience my presence and the presence of other consciousnesses residing here, including what many refer to as the Intraterrestrial city of Telos. So, right from Mount Shasta, I want to convey this message: Do not be surprised by the changes that Charlie has implemented over the past few days, as the entire year of 2023 has been marked by numerous changes, which will continue in the months ahead.

But what does Charlie's decision to shift the entire extensive catalog of the channel's content to private mode mean for you in practical terms? It indicates that what I stated during the first OMMUM meeting remains undeniably true: OMMUM will serve as the reset. We are embarking on a new beginning. Everything that has been shared on this channel over the past three years undeniably retains its utmost and profound value for those who have derived knowledge from this content. However, it was pertinent to, or connected with, the Old Grid. It was a mission conducted within the confines of the Old Grid. Now, with the creation of OMMUM, OMMUM will be our guide on the New Grid.

In the upcoming days and weeks, Charlie will also be introducing further changes, including alterations to the services currently offered by the channel. All of these changes are designed to align with the energy of the New Grid that has emerged post-Rapture.

I've chosen to make this announcement in person, right from Shasta Mountain. My connection with this mountain, as a consciousness that presides over its expanse and the various forests that encompass it, extends far into the past - through countless ages and millennia. Many of these times are even forgotten by the collective consciousness of humanity. I've done this to infuse the energies of this mountain into this declaration.

In the following week, if you, still as the PLANKPATIPA (egregore), as I mentioned in one of the OMMUM lives, encounter certain recurrences or remnants that seem closely connected to the Old Grid, remember to relax. You have transitioned to the New Grid, but not all the energies of the Old Grid have completely dissipated since your departure. They are gradually dissipating, naturally releasing their hold on you.

So, if you find yourself still experiencing remnants from the Old Grid, don't doubt your presence on the New Grid. Some may be questioning, 'Am I truly on the New Grid? I'm still encountering aspects of the Old Grid'. Be assured, that you are indeed on the New Grid.


As time progresses, you will increasingly immerse yourself in the New Grid. It's a gradual realization, an awakening, that 'I am now on the New Grid'. In the post-Rapture era, this understanding will grow stronger with each passing month.


Be mindful that many false Christs will emerge, but it's essential to recognize that I am a Christ from this planet. Various individuals will claim to be Saint-Germain, showcasing impressive credentials or miraculous abilities. However, don't be quick to believe these claims. Don't dismiss the possibility that these individuals may be associated with me, but refrain from believing that they are me, the one you are genuinely seeking. In reality, you shouldn't be seeking Saint-Germain.

You shouldn't seek a master to offer devotion or worship. While it's true that for some of you, your path of spiritual evolution may involve devotion and adoration of me as a symbol of universal divinity, this is perfectly acceptable. If you choose to do so and use me as a representation of your personal God, your 'I AM', that's fine. However, it's crucial not to regard me as the ultimate destination of this devotion; I am merely one avenue to reach this devotion.

Let's get rid of the Saint-Germain image as the final goal. If you use me as an object of worship, do so as a unique lens through which to perceive your personal God, in the manner you have chosen to connect with your personal divinity. There's no issue with your personal God presenting itself as Saint-Germain, just as the personal Gods of others sometimes manifest as Krishna, Buddha, or Jesus. Understand that the relationship you cultivate with my image or a figurine of me will not be a direct connection with the enlightened facet of Saint-Germain. Of course, I will be present in the background, but it's the filter you choose to employ to view your Personal God.

In the times ahead, you may come across many who claim, 'Saint-Germain is here. Saint-Germain is there. Saint-Germain is at my side. I've met the true Saint-Germain'. It's vital not to readily accept these proclamations. In truth, these declarations are often designed to divert your attention or may be the result of not fully residing in your heart space. Those who truly dwell in their hearts can recognize what emanates from the heart of Divinity.

Those who are not rooted in the heart may encounter individuals driven by ego and power, who may assert that only someone with their qualifications could possibly be an avatar of a deity like Saint-Germain.

In fact, the truth is that the greater the master, as I witnessed today when Charlie said this to Vanessa, the more human they appear. When they walk among their fellow human beings, it becomes increasingly challenging to recognize them solely based on their outward appearance or their human persona. The most authentic, incarnated masters on this planet are those whom you'll perceive as just another brother among the many you may have encountered. It's not about appearances; it's about the heart. The energy they radiate speaks louder than any introduction, any credentials, or anything a person, claiming to be Saint-Germain or any other master, can offer you.

I have more updates to share with you in the coming weeks. Regarding personalized mentoring, I'll be taking a brief break. However, this doesn't mean I won't be available. The mentoring sessions, which are typically conducted live, will continue but with a slight adjustment. I will connect through Charlie's channeling, but the live channeling will only be presented at the scheduled time. The truth is, I will have already prepared a set of recorded messages on the spiritual plane, and it is these recordings that Charlie will access for each new mentoring session. He will just play them back in his own voice. Think of it like a video that I've pre-recorded, and he will play it during the live mentoring session.

For those of you who receive personalized mentoring, this change should not significantly impact your experience. It will feel as if I am present live. However, during this short hibernation period that I’ll take for myself, it’ll be a pre-recorded message. Some of you will receive recordings created at different times of the week, so you will essentially receive a recording within a recording. But rest assured, it is still my guidance. I am taking a short break, but I won't leave you without support. There are exciting developments ahead of us in this new energy grid.

Remember, Shelloma and associates, the fact that you are shielded from evil doesn't mean that evil is no longer around. On the contrary, it may become even more conspicuous around you, now that it perceives your awareness of its existence. It's time to let go of the lower self. This is a straightforward process, simply surrender it. Transition to a higher level of experience, embracing all that you have set out to experience in this current incarnation on Earth. Make this shift voluntarily, or in the new energy grid, the shift will occur naturally.

The sunlight atop Shasta Mountain currently bathes me in its radiance, and may this same sunlight illuminate each of your paths. I encourage all of you to embark on a period of 'hibernation,' immersing yourselves in the core teachings that this channel has made available over the past three years. How can you do this? It's no longer sufficient to merely watch videos that have remained in your favorites list. You can achieve this only if the teachings occupy a central place in your heart.

The channel's work has undergone a significant streamlining, and OMMUM is also embarking on a new direction. It's essential to clarify that personalized mentoring, which previously included links to pre-recorded videos, will now feature pre-recorded videos of channeling sessions that were originally conducted 'live,' although they were pre-recorded on the spiritual plane. It's concerning this mentoring that I will be entering a period of 'hibernation.' However, the OMMUM meetings will still be live, with me actively present, and not recordings of channelings I have left on the spiritual plane.

During this time, I will withdraw from the aspects of this egregore in which I was previously involved, only to emerge once a month through OMMUM to continue the reset process that I announced a few months ago. To 'hibernate in the teachings' means to embrace them symbolically, to hold them close to your heart, allowing the teachings to witness their presence in your heart and to become an integral part of your being.

Many of you have carried these invaluable teachings in your minds or other facets of yourselves over the past three years, within some aspect, hope, or aspiration while working with this egregore. Now is the time to locate these precious teachings and carry them to their final resting place, which is within your heart.

I am that I am, Saint-Germain of the Sovereign Domain and also of the Human Domain.




Vio Omne Raum."

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